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py-docutils Python tool to generate documents
py-docx Python library for Microsoft Word (.docx) files
py-dominate Python library for creating and manipulating HTML documents
py-ejson Extensible JSON serializers and deserializers
py-elementpath XPath 1.0/2.0 parsers and selectors for ElementTree and lxml
py-elementtree Read XML and HTML files into trees of Element objects
py-empy Powerful and robust templating system for Python
py-enchant Spellchecking library for Python
py-eradicate Removes commented-out code
py-Excelerator Python library for generating Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 files
py-expat Python interface to expat
py-feedparser Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python
py-ftfy Fixes some problems with Unicode text after the fact
py-generateDS Python XML data binding library
py-gnosis-utils Classes for working with XML
py-guessit Extracts as much information as possible from a video filename
py-HappyDoc Python tool to generate Python API documents
py-html-sanitizer White-list based HTML sanitizer
py-html2text Convert HTML into easy-to-read plain ASCII text
py-html2text-2019.8.11 Convert HTML into easy-to-read plain ASCII text
py-html5-parser Fast, standards-compliant, C-based HTML5 parser
py-html5lib HTML5 parser and tokenizer
py-humanize Convert numbers into easily readable format
py-ICU Python extension wrapping the ICU C++ libraries
py-inflection Port of Ruby on Rails inflector to Python
py-iniparse Better INI parser for Python
py-isc_dhcp_leases Python module for parsing ISC dhcpd lease files
py-jade Jade syntax template adapter for Django, Jinja2, Mako and Tornado
py-jellyfish Python library for doing approximate and phonetic matching of strings
py-jinja2 Small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine
py-jmespath Query language for JSON
py-jsbeautifier JavaScript unobfuscator and beautifier
py-jsonlib JSON serializer/deserializer for Python (python-2.x version)
py-jsonlib3 JSON serializer/deserializer for Python (python-3.x version)
py-jsonpickle Python library for serializing any arbitrary object graph into JSON
py-jsonref JSON References for Python
py-jsonrpclib Implementation of the JSON-RPC v2.0 specification
py-jsonschema Implementation of JSON Schema for Python
py-JWT JSON Web Token implementation in Python
py-jxmlease Module for converting XML to Python data structures
py-Levenshtein Python extension for computing string edit distances
py-libxml2 Python wrapper for libxml2
py-libxslt Python wrapper for libxslt
py-loremipsum Lorem Ipsum text generator
py-lxml Python binding for libxml2 and libxslt
py-m2r Markdown to reStructuredText converter
py-manuel Build tested documentation
py-marisa MARISA python module
py-markdown XHTML generator using a simple markup
py-markdown-math Python extension adding math formula support to py-markdown
py-markdown2 Fast and complete Python implementation of Markdown
py-markovify Simple and extensible Markov chain generator
py-markups Python text markup language wrapper module
py-markupsafe Implements a unicode subclass that supports HTML strings
py-mecab MeCab python module
py-mistune The fastest markdown parser in pure Python
py-mkdocs Fast and simple static site generator for documentation
py-mkdocs-bootstrap Bootstrap theme for MkDocs
py-mkdocs-bootswatch Bootswatch theme for MkDocs
py-natsort Natural sorting for python
py-nltk Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)
py-numpydoc Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format
py-odfpy Python API and tools to manipulate OpenDocument files
py-openpyxl Python library to read/write Excel 2007 xlsx/xlsm files
py-pallets-sphinx-themes Sphinx themes for Pallets and related projects
py-pandocfilters Utilities for writing pandoc filters in python
py-parse Parse strings using a specification based on format()
py-parse_type Simplifies to build parse types based on the parse module
py-pdf-parser Parse PDF document to identify the fundamental elements
py-pdfrw PDF file reader/writer pure Python library
py-phonenumbers Library for formatting, storing and validating phone numbers
py-pisa (V) HTML2pdf converter (obsolete, use print/py-weasyprint instead)
py-poyo YAML Parser for Python
py-precis-i18n PRECIS-i18n: Internationalized Usernames and Passwords
py-ptable Simple Python library for easily displaying tabular data
py-pyaml YAML pretty printer for human readable output
py-pybtex BibTeX-compatible bibliography processor written in Python
py-pybtex-docutils Docutils backend for pybtex
py-pygments Python syntax highlighter
py-pyphen Pure Python module to hyphenate text
py-pyquery Python jquery-like library
py-pysrt Python parser for SubRip (srt) files
py-pytoml TOML-0.4.0 parser/writer for Python
py-ramlfications Python RAML parser
py-rdflib Python library for working with RDF
py-readme_renderer Library for rendering readme descriptions for Warehouse
py-rebulk Performs advanced searches in strings
py-regex Alternative regular expression module, to replace re
py-relatorio Templating library able to output odt and pdf files
py-rst2pdf Convert restructured text to PDF via reportlab
py-smartypants Python with the SmartyPants
py-snowballstemmer Python module with stemmer algorithms for multiple natural languages
py-sphinx Python documentation generator
py-sphinx-autodoc-typehints Type hints support for the Sphinx autodoc extension
py-sphinx-issues Sphinx extension for linking to an issue tracker
py-sphinx-rtd-theme Sphinx theme
py-sphinx-theme-cloud Sphinx cloud theme
py-sphinx1 Python documentation generator
py-sphinxcontrib-applehelp Sphinx API for Apple help books
py-sphinxcontrib-bibtex Sphinx extension for BibTeX style citations